| Karel Charvát

Dear friends, in relation to the discussion, which is described in one from the previous blog https://www.smartafrihub.com/home/-/blogs/massive-agriculture-data-collection- I make a little Google search and I recognise some interesting presentation, which can help us. See https://www.uneca.org/sites/default/files/PublicationFiles/geoinformation_socio_economic_dev-en.pdf and http://www.un-spider.org/sites/default/files/Andre%20Nonguierma%20-%20ARSDI.pdf
I also discover some source of Open or not only Open Data in Africa. See the list of web pages. I would like to ask all people to help us discover more such sources and discussed this next week on Skype (join our discussion https://join.skype.com/UElkycKcHnuD). We will then also discussed, how we will be able to use SmartAfriHub to make this data easily available. Our colleagues are working on the integration of powerful tools for working with this data in different forms. So, please look at these links, if you will see some data, which could be interesting for you:
Please try to discover sources, which could help us. If you know also other interesting links, please share these links with us. It could help us. During next week we will start also with webinars and blogs explaining, how we will be able to use data.